Sarah's Travel Blog
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Wow!! Are you all still reading this? It's been awhile! If you work at Sun and you are still tuning in, congratulations! Dana thinks it's weird that I only blog when I travel. SO, I'm in Chicago. Well not really Chicago, but if I told you where I was you wouldn't have any idea where that was so for all practical purposes I'm in Chicago. There is a massive corn field outside the window and that's how I can tell where I am. Apparently in the midwest tuna and chicken are considered to be vegetables. Oh, and potato chips are a vegetable too. I'm sitting with Dana, and trying to get news about who won the elections in California except the only recent election news on the web is from get this -- China! Someplace called Xinxhau or something. The chinese are ahead of us in so many ways! Dana just football punted a beetle across the living room. We are sad that her ex-boyfriend did not win the election. Barack Obama is hot and he should run for vice president under Oprah.
Dana says: There is no corn since it is fall here and it has been harvested. hahahha. And Sarah and I are in agreement that Obama is hot. I have met him and have gone to alot of his events in the cornfields. If Oprah and Obama run then Chicago would rule the world!!!!!!! I did not know that tuna was a veggie either.
There you have it folks, from the lion's mouth -- chicken is a vegetable! It's time to alert all the vegetarians in Berkeley.
This is ltloink coming to you from Frozencornfields, Illinois.