Sarah's Travel Blog
Thursday, April 15, 2004
Hello from Africa!!! I arrived in Malawi today, and I have not slept in 4 days, so I will make this short for now. There are some really really great bugs here!!!! and you can contact me!!! I have set up a temporary e-mail account and phone number where anyone can reach me. To leave me a message call 1(800)706-1333, press the star key, then the 2 key, then enter my account number: 1064690053, then press pound and leave your message. I will attempt to retrieve messages every other day or so. Also, I have been receiving so much spam in my hotmail account, that I have set up a temporary e-mail, where I will only receive messages from people I know who are on my list. I will not promise to check my hotmail account. PLEASE NOTE , If you send pictures, graphics, forwards, attachments, or spam to this account, I will immediately block you as a sender. THIS IS NOT A JOKE, I HAVE LIMITED TIME TO CHECK E-MAIL, AND LARGE MESSAGES CAUSE AFRICAN COMPUTERS TO CRASH. That said however, I would love to hear from all of you, so please write short personal messages letting me know what you're up to. The e-mail is: Maybe tomorrow I'll tell you about my trip.