Sarah's Travel Blog
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Howdy to all!
I can't remember if I've written in a while or not. The team here has shifted to mostly men from being mostly women. This morning I had a dissappointing mango yogurt for breakfast. Instead of mangoes it tastes like aspartame. I also had a disappointing mango last night that was rotten. Aside from bad mango experiences things are going OK. John and I had a fun trip to the grocery store which is the iguana team's version of “getting out” once in a while. Right now, I am sitting near this baby iguana who is eating. She wanted me to know I was in her territory, so she checked out all my stuff and then left a pile of scat in my direction.
WOW what a day!!! I haven't had time to finish this because I have really been running all around! Now this guy Craig is coming down from the noth zone and I have to train him, so I will have to finish this later. Yesterday I ran all over town in the car, from the post office to DHL to the office supply store etc. Maybe I'll get to go diving before Feb. Love to all.

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