Sarah's Travel Blog
Friday, January 12, 2007
Oh the craziness! I have to be brief here, because someone is coming to pick me up to go out in a few minutes. Everything has been non-stop. Partying, camping, hiking, swimming, more partying, hitchiking on sailboats...I have certainly been meeting my quota of 5 new people per day, in fact, I think I've been meeting 20 new people per day. We're on our way out right now to a tapas bar followed by god knows what, and hopefully I will get home before 5am. Where is home? I have no idea, home keeps changing, things are all crazy, but everyone here is awesome. I'm on Tortola. There is no water, only beer, so we are all dirty and drunk. So many islands, so little time. I'll try and blog tomorrow if I don't get kiddnapped by yet another group of people. We might go sailing though, to an island, or diving, or god knows what. Love you all.

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