Sarah's Travel Blog
Friday, January 02, 2009
Tierra del Fuego National Park

The next day, we all boarded buses and went to Tierra del Fuego National
Park. I joined the birding group. It was a typical birder bus ride
where every five minutes someone yelled "STOP" or "PARE" because
they had spotted something and all we did was annoy the driver. There
were a few spouses of people that were really annoyed too, and they were
all wishing they had gone with a different group. We saw a lot of birds
in the morning, and I got some nice photos of the Andean Condors. It
made me miss the California Condors that would be flying over my house
right now if people were not such idiots. I spotted the Magellanic
Oystercatcher. In the afternoon, we went to another part of the park to
find a unique woodpecker. It was windy, and I could tell that we were
probably not going to see a woodpecker, so I ventured off into the
forest and took pictures of orchids and bryophytes and fungi. Note: I
am super pleased with the macro setting on my new little point and shoot

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